User Guide


Duke is a personalized bot that assists you in keeping track of things that need to be completed. Duke is optimized to be used with a command line interface.


Command Format

Feature 1 - Adding todo

This adds a todo task to the task list
Format: todo TASK
Example: todo sleep

Feature 2 - Adding deadline

This adds a deadline task to the task list
Format: deadline TASK /by DATE
Example: deadline return book /by Friday

Feature 3 - Adding event

This adds an event task to the task list
Format: event TASK /at TIME
Example: event project meeting /at Mon 3-5pm

Feature 4 - List tasks

This lists all tasks that are in the list
Format: list

Feature 5 - Mark task as done

This marks the tasks at the specified index as done
Note: Index starts at 1
Format: done INDEX
Example: done 1

Feature 6 - Delete Task

This deletes the task at the specified index
Note: Index starts at 1
Format: delete INDEX
Example: delete 2

Feature 7 - Save tasks

The tasks are automatically saved to ‘duke.txt’ when the program is exitted normally

Feature 8 - Load tasks

Tasks are automatically loaded from ‘duke.txt’ when the program starts

Feature 9 - Find tasks

This searches for the tasks where the description contains the keywords
Format: find KEYWORD
Example: find sleep

Feature 10 - Exit the program

This exits the program
Format: bye